Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Got a Question? Just ask.

I'm seeing someone coming to this blog from the google queries:

movgrab commands size of file
movgrab record time

I get the impression that someone has some questions to ask about my 'movgrab' program. So, you can just ask me in the comments to this post, if you have!


  1. Hi,
    i like your tool movgrab. i would ask you if it is okay if i put this in the main debian archives for an easier install.

    I sadly don't find your contact data on the blog, so please respond to me via leo@leo-unglaub.net.

    thanks and greetings

    1. For the record, I told Leo 'yes, go right ahead!' :-)

  2. Glad i got some place to ask this question :)
    First of all movgrab is a great tool buddy and i really am able to solve one of my biggest trouble using this.
    However when i am trying to use movgrab for metacafe i am not able to get any output formats...command i am firing is
    movgrab -T http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/yt-2ZZEtUCIkUw/dog_terrified_of_low_fat_lamb_jerky/

    and this is saying no download format available also direct downloading is also failing.

    Any help!!!

    1. Hiya Anurag,

      Alas, metacafe hasn't been working in movgrab for a long time. They changed some things about how it works, and I've never been able to figure out how to fix it.



  3. Hi there,

    I've been playing with your latest movgrab release (1.1.11), and I came across a tiny bug, using Dailymotion URLs.

    In "servicestypes.c", line 620, a 'break' instruction, is missing... As a consequence, right after downloading a Dailymotion URL, it will go straight ahead trying MOBANGO ;p

    Simple fix for sure, and Dailymotion downloads work like a charm ;-)
    Nice app by the way, thanks !

  4. Hiya Guillame,

    Thanks for telling me about this. The fix will be in the next release of movgrab which is going to be launched shortly (there's a bunch of bugfixes going in).

    I might never have spotted this error, so thanks again for reporting it!


  5. It seems movgrab can no longer download Youtube videos ?
    All works fine until yesterday (26th september).

  6. yeah, it can't download youtube video just today. I hope you have time to fix this. movegrab is awesome.

  7. Just compiled the latest 1.1.11 and it didnt dowload. I tested couple of days ago fixed gtk-youtube-viewer and it did download. Youtube has recently changed again something and it seems to need code change.

    Thank you of movgrab, bundled with you2pup it has worked fine so far.

  8. youtube-dl has been updated ! I will use it instead of movgrab (unless movgrab will be updated soon ?)

  9. Hello all,

    I wasn't able to figure out what needed to be done to fix the youtube outage, but someone called 'Abhisek Sanyal' came through for me with a patch. Thanks Abhisek!

    1.1.12 is out, hope it works for you all!

  10. Sorry for the slow response btw, was away at fantasycon.


  11. Thanks a lot, now movgrab works again

  12. Hi Colum,

    I have a request for movgrab, I want to be able to download from animehere.com, can you? Thank you very much.


    note: to view the source code of the page we can see that there is a URL for *. flv, you can download directly, copy and paste the URL into another program, such as wget. but the way it makes us have to always look at the source code of the page.

  13. Thanks for telling me about this one Ndra, particularly thanks for telling me about the details fo the page, that tends to be the make or break with these things. I'll look into it and try to add it to the next release (1.1.14)


  14. Hi Colum!
    Can I have movgrab to download over the tor network, i.e. redirect to socks proxy somehow? I'm aware that there is a -proxy option, but I couldn't figure out how to use it with tor. Any help appreciated!

    1. Wow, not only had I pretty much forgotten this blog existed, but I'm surprised to hear someone's still using movgrab! Ebooks have replaced videos as the thing I stare at all day, so I've let movgrab slide because I use it so little.

      However, adding socks4 and socks5 support to it would be very easy. So I'll be doing so in the coming weeks and posting a new version to my github.

    2. Thank you very much! Will keep an eye!

  15. It's up on github now
